Saturday, January 30, 2016

LAD #26 MLK "I Have a Dream"

Martin Luther King starts the speech out by saying that this day would be remembered by all to be the greatest showing of freedom that this country has to offer. Which I believe to be true because the crowds are so dense and so far and so connected that it is the perfect example of America. He also relates this speech to the Gettysburg address by changing Lincolns words of "four score and seven years ago" to "five score" and also by holding the speech in front of his memorial. Martin Luther King then goes into how both black and white members of this country are supposed to be equal and he refers to the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. He then says "now is the time" to change this. The slaves were freed a hundred years ago and they have fought for freedom ever since, "now is the time" for black people to gain the equality that is deserved. MLK says that they respond to violence with peaceful actions. "I have a dream" relates to how America is built on the American dream, a dream that all Americans follow, brings together whites and blacks which is all about equality. This speech is in genius. America was built on dreams and this is just another way in which America grows and becomes the best country in the world.
Image result for mlk

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