Wednesday, September 23, 2015

LAD #7 Washington's Farewell Address

Washington's Farewell Address

This address basically tried to warn the United States about what future hardships might occur. George Washington's main point in his farewell address was to stay away from a factious government. He wanted to make sure that the United States stayed united and not have a party that was concerned for their personal gains, instead of the good of the country. Another main point that he was trying to make was to stay away from foreign countries. Washington thought it would be beneficial if America minded its own business. He specifically did not want any strong political connections or permanent alliances with other countries. This may have been due to the fact that the 13 colonies thought that Britain was allied with them, but then they ended up fighting each other. Lastly, George Washington made America different from other countries at this time because he stepped down from a position of power to allow the government to become the republic that it currently is.

LAD #6 Proclamation of Neutrality

The Proclamation of Neutrality 1793

This document was written by George Washington. He was the president of the new country and thereby had the power to publish such a document. The Proclamation of Neutrality concerned the French Revolution. He stated that the United States was to stay impartial and that any citizen that aided any side of the war would not be under the protection of the United States military. The proclamation forbade any of the citizens of America have any part in the war. Washington closed by saying that it was signed on the 22nd of April 1793.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Federalists #10

1.  Why are factions so difficult to eliminate?

A faction is considered a group of people sharing the same belief and choosing to take action into improving their lives. Factions are basically still in effect today with the two main political parties, democrat and republican. It is difficult to get rid of these factions because people tend to stand by their beliefs and when there are many people included in that faction it is difficult to obliterate it completely.

2.  If factions cannot be removed then how can they be controlled?

The republic government is the best way to try to fix the problem with factions. This allows people to have a say in everything that happens by direct representation. The factions are able to have their voices heard which helps to satisfy the majority of people.  

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Republican Motherhood Blog

1.  What role did the Revolutionary War play in the transformation of housewifery to Republican Motherhood?

After the war women were encouraged to be educated, this was so that she could teach her children the importance of liberty, fairness, and history (Document B). This was after the war because during it they were fighting for liberty and fairness which made the history important. Also, during the war women were expected to do all the needed things of housework, as well as, the other things like conveying the importance of being a good person.

2. What were the consequences of Republican Motherhood on women?

Although the women were praised for their ability to make suitable homes and educating their children on the right things in life, that was all that the women were able to do. Women were expected to be in the home and that was all (Document B). Jonathan Stearns says that women's "Society is her empire, which she governs at will… It is her province to adorn social life". Though this may seem as though she has more leisure, it is insulting to women. Perhaps at this time in history women saw it as a new liberty, but it seems like Stearns is being sarcastic. 

3.What is the significance of the ideology of Republican Motherhood as a stage in the process of women’s socialization?

Women found that they were able to shape the future of the world through their children. "On you, ladies, depends, in most important degree, the destiny of our country" (Document D). By being able to educate them it gave them a sense of purpose. In document c Mary Moris writes to a friend about her view on the importance of all women and how they should band together to "keep our country virtuous, (so that) you maintain its independence".

11.       Describe the setting. The setting is a women with her two children. They are sitting on what looks to be a pink couch and one child is on Mary's lap.
22.      Who serves at the center of the portrait and why?  How does the woman look?  How is she “republican” rather than aristocratic? The center of the portrait is the mother, I think this because my eyes go straight to her in the photo. Mary looks happy and proud, she represents a republican because though she has nice clothes it is apparent that she cares for her children more.
33.      What values do her sons exhibit? One of the children is holding a bird, which represents freedom and compassion. The other is reaching for his mother.
44.      Is there a significance to the position of Mrs. Tilgham’s arm? Mrs. Tilgham's arm is draped over her younger child in front of her. I think that it signifies that she is letting the older child grow up and figure things out for himself while she still has to guide the younger child a little.