Sunday, September 13, 2015

LAD #3: Declaration of Independence

1.    democratic principles
In the Declaration of Independence there are certain democratic principles that are purposely included so that everyone in America can enjoy freedom. One such principle is that the government should be made by the people, for the people and of the people. This links to another democratic principle that is in the Declaration; if the people disagree with what the government is doing, then they can, and should, overthrow it. With that being said the government should not be attacked due to dumb disagreements. One last, possibly the most important, democratic principle is that all men are created equal. There are several other democratic principles, but these stood out the most.
2.      2.list a handful of grievances
The men who created the Declaration listed a bunch of things that they felt the King had done wrong to the colonies. He had refused the colonies self-government and judicial system which they really didn’t like. King George, also, passed laws that required them to pay heavy taxes, house soldiers and didn’t allow colonists to have free trade. In total the Declaration had 27 grievances about King George III.
3.      Conclusion
The last part of the Declaration was to make sure that Britain knew what was happening. It says that they tried to be reasonable with England and the King, but due to their disregarding attitude they were forced to claim independence. Also, they state that as free states they have the ability to “levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce” and do basically whatever they wanted because they would be free. 


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