Wednesday, September 23, 2015

LAD #7 Washington's Farewell Address

Washington's Farewell Address

This address basically tried to warn the United States about what future hardships might occur. George Washington's main point in his farewell address was to stay away from a factious government. He wanted to make sure that the United States stayed united and not have a party that was concerned for their personal gains, instead of the good of the country. Another main point that he was trying to make was to stay away from foreign countries. Washington thought it would be beneficial if America minded its own business. He specifically did not want any strong political connections or permanent alliances with other countries. This may have been due to the fact that the 13 colonies thought that Britain was allied with them, but then they ended up fighting each other. Lastly, George Washington made America different from other countries at this time because he stepped down from a position of power to allow the government to become the republic that it currently is.

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