Tuesday, September 15, 2015

LAD #4- Revolution Article

1.) The Revolutionary War is overshadowed by the Civil War by its brutality, but this was only because the Civil War had weapons that were able to do more damage than in the Revolutionary War. Also, Americans were fighting against each other which would mean that all the casualties were of American citizens.

2.) The people associated with the Revolutionary War are not only military officials. Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and many more were not soldiers or generals, but they still had a great impact on the outcome of the war. Most of the people remember by the Civil War are from the military.

3.) The Revolutionary War is America's longest declared war, this is shocking because America has been in quite a few wars despite being a relatively young country. The Revolutionary War also had the highest death to civilian ratio than in any of the other wars that America was a part of.

4.) Works of art that portray the Revolutionary War are somewhat unrealistic. John Trumbell was one of the artists who made paintings portraying the war and in none of them were there any dead bodies or realistic representations of what the soldiers wore. The paintings glorified the war.


5.) During the Revolutionary War George Washington had little words that stuck out, contrary to this during the Civil War Abraham Lincoln is best known for his Gettysburg Address. This may have been due to the lack of the ability to spread news quickly during the Revolutionary War.

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